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4 stroke 15 horse Johnson outboard

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  • 4 stroke 15 horse Johnson outboard

    rps20150504_200925_6941.jpgHello, I'm looking for a little advice for my 1998- 15 horse 4 stroke Johnson. I've just recently purchased this boat and trailered it home. The previous owner ran the boat last season here in Ohio. His claim is the motor is strong and runs excellent. He ran the engine for me with muffs and it seemed his claim was right. I checked engine oil via the dip stick before he tested the engine for me. After the boat was brought home, I noticed oil leaking out of a small hole in the lower unit. The oil seems to be engine oil. When the dip stick is removed there's a pop and a small amount of oil splashes out. Could this be the oil I'm seeing? Should I have any concerns about the lower unit seals? Is this worth taking to a shop to have a pressure test done? Am I being over reactive. I will include a picture of the hole that I'm referring to where I noticed the oil.

  • #2
    Do you have a manual for the motor? It might tell you what that hole is.
    Another possibility is, when the motor oil is changed, where does it come out, or if some s***** into Cowling (from changing, or refilling) is this where it drips out?

    I think, you could pull to a dealer, and show them, and ask. If a good dealer he may tell you what that hole is for? If he tries to act like it needs service? Might just be wanting money?

    Could also pour a little fresh water into lower Cowling area, and see if it runs out of the same hole? It looks like more than a splash of oil from dip stick. But could be from changing oil? Or, adding new oil?

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Good suggestion on the water. Think I'm gonna give that a shot. Yes I do have the manual. I've been through it a couple times. Either I'm overlooking what that hole is for or I'm just not finding it in the manual. This is why I've referred to the forum. I've searched around online for info on the hole and found some guy's calling it a "weap" hole. Used for when any water gets displaced it has an area to drain from. So if your suspicion is correct and it is a "weap" hole,water will drain right out of that hole. Appreciate the suggestion and we'll give it a shot.


      • #4
        I haven't seen many drain plugs in these 4 strokes, most require a pump to remove the oil (so i'm told), if your motor has a drain plug for oil, then I think that hole may be related to that? But i'm not sure, and feel fresh water would tell you that easily.

        Good luck. Sorry I can't be of more help. My 2 stroke Burns the oil.


        • #5
          Thanks I appreciate your input. Yeah I think your right. The water will give me a good starting point. if I don't get the information I need from that, then I'll pull in a service guy. I'll keep you posted on the outcome for reference on your forum. You described it as a drain plug. I might describe it as just a drain hole. There's really no plug at all, just a hole. I'm just not understanding why it's not described in the manual and I'm not really able to find any real info on the hole on the Internet.

