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1972 Johnson 125 Outboard

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  • 1972 Johnson 125 Outboard

    I have a 1972 Johnson 125 hp outboard Engine.
    It runs fine with the muffs on in the yard
    but will not run in the water.
    I have changed the plugs and wires.
    I had it running once in the water and when it ran a little it had barley any reverse.
    When I tried starting it in the water and nothing happens I checked to make sure i still had spark and fuel and it does. it just dont wanna turn over and run.

  • #2
    I don't understand. If you back the boat down the ramp it won't start, even after running for for some time at home?

    Does the starter turn the motor over when in the water and it won't start?

    And when you did get it running in the water, then put in reverse, did it rev up?

    You have to be a little more helpful to what is happening. We here at the forum are not with you at the ramp, we don't hear or see anything but what you tell us?

    Did you pump the bulb, is fuel relatively fresh, or old? How old? Is there water in the fuel tank? Have you checked the filters for water?


    • #3
      I back the trailer and boat down into the water and take the boat off the trailer.The boat now is just sitting in the water all by itself.
      I tilt the motor down so its in the water properly.
      I then go and pump the fuel bulb.
      I go and try to start it and the battery is good so it turns the engine over but it wont fire.
      I tried starting the boat out of water then putting it in but that didn't seem to work either. once it is fully under water it stopped running.

      Well the boat was in the water i checked both spark and fuel at the engine and both were good.

      I can pull the boat back out of the water and it will run fine again on the hose.

      The one time that i finally got it to run in the water (which was not easy to keep it running) i took it out and drove it around but i could not let the throttle idle because it would die. I could rev it up but i could not let the rpms get to low because it would die.

      The gas is brand new gas with a mixture of 2 cycle oil.
      The gas tank is new so there was no way water could of got in their.

      If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Anything will be helpful

      Thank you for replying.


      • #4
        1972, 125, 2 stroke

        How long has it been since it was running good?
        Has the carb been soaked and cleaned? Properly.
        What do the plugs look like? Are they new?
        can you tell me what your idle mixture screw is set at (how many turns open) right now?
        Do you have a shop repair manual for your motor?

        Post back when able.


        • #5
          I don't know the last time it was running good because I bought it off the internet. The guy told me it ran last a year ago.
          When I got the boat I clean the carbs and changed the spark plugs.
          So the plugs are brand new.
          The carbs are nice and clean.
          I don't know where the screw is at, when i cleaned the carbs i just put everything back where it was.
          No i dont have a manual
          I tried adjusting the screw to make it run better but nothing helped.


          • #6
            Ok. You should get a manual, I don't have all the info on your motor. Generally the air mixture screw is set at about 1 to 1.5 turns open. What is your screw set at (there should be one screw, per carb)?
            When you cleaned the carbs did you check behind the needle valve seat, (common area of blockage) and check the float adjustment setting?
            Have you checked and cleaned the battery connections at both ends?
            And check wiring around coils, some have run across pinched wires under coils in past, and see if any connections look dirty/corroded? Clean if found.
            Also check kill switch (loose?), and any wires around tilt unit, if frayed and shorting in water, may cause problems?

            Post us back when able.
            Last edited by Solarman; 03-26-2015, 04:27 PM.

