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2000 Johnson 150 Pro Series Stopped Starting (sorta)

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  • 2000 Johnson 150 Pro Series Stopped Starting (sorta)

    Im hoping someone can help me figure this out.

    Due to health issues, my boat has been sitting and not started for about a year, maybe as long as 18 months. It ran beautifully when I last ran it.

    Things in the health department are improving for me so today I decided to uncover it and crank it up. I threw on the ear muffs so water would run through her then i cranked it up. Took a bit but she finally started and ran. She ran for about 5 minutes then she died. It was pretty abrupt. No sputtering. Just running one sec, then next sec stopped running. I tried to start it back up but it just cranked and cranked. I figured that perhaps it was lower on fuel than I remembered and it ran out. I took it down the road and proceeded to fill the tank. I added Seafoam and Stabil to the tank while filling today. However rather than taking $85 or so to fill her up, it only took me 19 bucks. So apparently when it died it did not run out of fuel.

    I towed it back home and tried to start her again. It cranked and cranked and cranked. Occasionally it would turn over for a second, blow smoke out the exhaust and that would be that. It did this a couple dozen times. A few times it turned over, blew smoke and ran for 2-5 seconds. But it never stayed running. Every time it did turn over it blew a ton of blue smoke (I assumed it was the oil and the seafoam)

    I cant get it to turn over and stay running.

    Back in 2012 I had a new power pack put on it as well as new fuel lines and some other general maintenance done. Since then, due to health, its probably only been run another 20 hours or so. I put new plugs in it back then as well. I pulled each plug today and they look fine, though wet with fuel/oil.

    I pulled the air intake off (it says Loop Charged on it) and I sprayed a bit of starter fluid in each of the 6 carbs but that didnt help it. I also unscrewed the white fuel filter (under the air intake) and it looks very clear other than a few specs of dirt that probably only covered about .5% of the filter. the rest is perfectly white and you can see through the screen perfectly.

    I am kind of thinking that there is crap in my lines between the tank and the motor but I don't know for sure but the gas has been in my tank since November 2015 when I last took the boat on the water. (it ran beautiful that day) However, my knowledge of outboards is very limited so I am hoping that someone here can help me figure this out. With all the medical bills, I definitely cant afford a dealership/marina to fix it.

    The motor is a 2000 Johnson J150PLSSC

    Thank you


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  • #2
    Do you have spark on all cylinders, Load test battery to make sure it's ok and spinning engine over fast enough. Run a fuel pressure test.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Originally posted by View Post
      Do you have spark on all cylinders, Load test battery to make sure it's ok and spinning engine over fast enough. Run a fuel pressure test.
      The battery is new. I will check the spark. How do I do a fuel pressure test?


      • #4
        You will need a fuel pressure gauge that connects the Schrader valve on Vapor Separator tank. Tool part number 5000902.
        Johnson Outboard Parts


        • #5
          Originally posted by View Post
          Tool part number 5000902.
          thank you. From what manufacturer though?


          • #6
            You can order here on it is a Johnson/Evinrude tool.
            Johnson Outboard Parts

