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sticky thottle

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  • sticky thottle

    Hi I'm new to the site.I have a johnson 150 2004 model.My problem is the remote feels sticky! If you try to ease the throttle up slowly it feels sticky.This is so anoying.I have replaced the remote with the latest BRP remote and another set of teleflex exstreme cables.Same thing.If I remove the spring from the timing slider under the cover ,the remote seams to be alot smoother. I'm at the end of the line with this problem.I bought the motor new and was told that it is normal.NO WAY. I have spent over $1000 dollars trying to fix this.I am sure I am not the only one that has had this problem.Two new remote controls and two new sets of the right lenght cables and it still is the most crappy feeling throttle I have ever had. I hate to say if I new this before I would never of bougth this engine.Help.I'm readt to get ride of it because it is so anoying, Thanks Joe458

  • #2
    found the problem

    Well I finally found the problem with the sticky throttle!!.The timing slider under the timing wheel was to tight,and not sliding properlly.I removed the wheel and slider and cleaned of the old grease.I than took some valve lapping compound and lapped the two parts together.Nice and smooth.After cleaning all the lapping compound off,I greased with triple-guard and reassembled and presto no more sticky throttle.Sometimes the most simple things get over looked in are quest to be high tech.Well I hope this helps any one with the same problem.Joe 458

