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1971 evinrude 9.5 bad miss and won't transition

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  • 1971 evinrude 9.5 bad miss and won't transition

    I picked up a 1971 Evinrude 9.5 in good condition. Hasn't been run in a while. Comp checks out to spec. Replaced coils, points (.020), condensers, new plugs and plug wires. Set sync (cam follower) to engage carb at mark as per spec. Carb in good shape. Fresh fuel.

    Starts, idles rough and won't transition. Power head jumps around due to bad miss. Back fires out exhaust, not carb. Seems like a timing miss, but everything seems good and to spec. I am wondering if I mixed up the plug wires from the coils. There are 2 coils, 1 forward and 1 aft on the armature plate. Seloc does not tell me which is for Cyl 1 & 2. Nor does Seloc tell me which cyl is 1 & 2, top or bottom.

    Any guidance greatly appreciated
    Thanks Brent

  • #2
    What a waste of time to post on this forum. Hey Moderator. Pull my post!!! What a joke!!!!


    • #3
      Hi dont no if this will help but i have a 1966 9.5 johnson one of the leads on the plug lead has a tag crimped on it and that is going to the uppermost cylinder look at johnson stuff also as i think they are made along the same way??: the johnson and evinrude 9.5 1966-1973 are almost identical look at you tube videos or try google there are manuals avalible on ebay also good luck hope it helps a little

