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85 hp Johnson

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  • 85 hp Johnson

    What is the correct fuel pump for a 85ESL73m johnson. When I give it full throdell it seem to be starving for gas.

  • #2
    Fuel pump should be a 438559, have you checked the high speed jets to see if they are clean?


    • #3
      85 hp Johnson

      I did remove one carberator& check high speed jets. The boat will take off & go 40 mph for about 200 yards,but will then be starved for gas. So I take it back to idol for about 15 to 20 seconds & it will be able to go full out again. I am questioning the fuel pump because I am not sure the right one was put on when I had it replaced. It is a Serria but cant find a number. Motor starts & idols good.


      • #4
        Have someone keep pumping the primer bulb and see if the problem goes away. By pumping the primer bulb you are bypassing the fuel pump, if engine runs properly you have found your problem.

