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86 40 Johnson bogging at full throttle

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  • 86 40 Johnson bogging at full throttle

    Have a 86 model J40TELCDE that has started bogging down when I try to run at full throttle. It will speed up only by pressing key in for cold start. Can anyone tell me the correct length of the throttle rod as a friend of mine moved it trying to get more speed.

  • #2
    Throttle rod?.... If you're speaking of the threaded rod/shaft leading from the vertical throttle arm to the metal scribed cam, there is no measurement to that rod. That distance is set to a certain low idle timing (whatever your service manual states). The timing is set via adjusting that nylon yoke when the scribe mark on the cam is dead center with the the throttle cam roller.

    Your problem (bogging) is normally caused by the high speed jets that are located horizontally in the bottom center portion of the float chambers (carbs need cleaning).

    Tell your friend not to tinker.

