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Reverse Throttle Adjustment

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  • Reverse Throttle Adjustment

    Hi everyone. I am new to the forum so I hope I posted this correctly. I have a 2004 Johnson 150 Saltwater Edition. I just replaced my control and throttle cables. The motor shifts into/out of forward and reverse just fine however, it seems that once in reverse there is no throttle increase. Is this an adjustment to the new cables? (I set them to where the old cables were).

    Thanks in advance,

  • #2
    That has been a problem since day one. If the cables are installed correctly, locked into place.... it becomes just a matter of trial and error in adjustments.


    • #3
      Thanks. That is what I thought but when watching the system at the motor I see the control cable moving the shifter into/out of gear, the throttle cable pushes back when pushing throttle forward giving it gas. But no throttle cable movement once it is in reverse.

      Is there a connection at the binnacle that ties the throttle into the reverse (or one at the motor) that I'm missing?


      • #4
        Originally posted by KFurball View Post
        Thanks. That is what I thought but when watching the system at the motor I see the control cable moving the shifter into/out of gear, the throttle cable pushes back when pushing throttle forward giving it gas. But no throttle cable movement once it is in reverse.

        Is there a connection at the binnacle that ties the throttle into the reverse (or one at the motor) that I'm missing?
        No, but I know of what you speak as I have seen that occasionally too.

        Also..... Pertaining to the adjustable trunion on the control cables (both) where they lock into the engine (sort of a well effect with a locking plate on top)... if those adjustable trunions are adjusted too tight against each other (no play at all), that creates a pulling force of both cables... that is, moving one cable is bound to affect the other ever so slightly... one cable fighting the other via the mechanism within the control box..

        Another matter which I feel you're well aware of, but is worth mentioning. You do not want to attempt shifting the engine unless it is running... OR... someone is rotating the propeller so as to align the shifter dog lobes with the lobes of the gear(s).

        To shift without spinning the propeller or having the engine running will normally result in the shifter dog being prevented from engaging the gear properly, and can cause improper shifting, lower unit damage, etc.


        • #5
          Ok. Yes I had heard it was not good to shift without motor running but reminders are always welcome as I tend to forget things when I get frustrated....and I am. Thanks.


          • #6
            After trying several times to adjust the thumb-wheel on the control cable at the motor and moving the cable locking bracket at the binnacle I finally discover the fix.

            There is a second hole in the Binnacle lever the pin to connect the control cable to the lever can go in. This was not the hole the original cable was connected to. However, connecting to it did the trick.

            Thanks for the help!

