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2002 150hp dies on throttle up and idle rough

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  • 2002 150hp dies on throttle up and idle rough

    This is a new to me boat that I have done nothing to as of yet except for running some engine carb cleaner through an thaqt does not seem to be helping the situation. I am beginning to think I have a air leak in the fuel delivery lines somewhere. Or a cloged fuel filter. Should i clean the filter or replace it? The boat runs very good if you can get it up on plane at WOT. It's just getting there that is the problem. The inside of the engine is very clean and looks like new. I thought of trying to replace all the fuel line to the engine from the tank and maybe put in a fuel filter water separator unit while I am at it. That sound like a good idea? Im told I should check all the simple stuff first before taking on the carbs. Probably good advice. All of my issues are at low rpm. Any advice would be appreciated. It is a 2002 model.

  • #2
    Well I don't have a solution for you but will share the problem I am having. It may be related. I just bought my boat as well. Mine is in teh shop now and they have not isolated the problem. They say everything checks out ok. Mine is a 1998 150HP oceanrunner. When cold or not run in a few days, teh moter runs quite well, although tomight I thoght it's idle was somewhat rough. During initial use it will power up on plane and runs smooth and strong continuously. It's never given me a problem while running under high power. Then if I idle around for a fairly long period 5 to 15 minutes or shut the motor down and start it up agian after say 10 minutes, it runs extremely rough, also revs up and then sometimes coughs and dies. It also will not rev up or clean up with added throttle, so in that way similar to yours. If you find a fix please post. I'll do the same.


    • #3
      Same issue exactly
      I am having the same issue with my 225 venom! I bought the boat from an uncle and it started out fine then started getting worse about being able to take off each trip. I've been able to get it to go by either priming the bulb or pushing in my choke while throttling up. The bulb gets a little soft but not flat. I've had the carbs rebuilt and the idle adjusted at different times and each seemed to help for just a bit. The mech. Put the motor on a dyno and it ran great until I made a run across the lake then when I stopped and tried to take off agin it started bogging down. Some one please help, it's driving me crazy(well it's actually not driving me n e where till I figure it out). Thanks and good luck


      • #4
        Any ideas out there? The marina is not having any luck.


        • #5
          It seems as if there are a million differnent issues that could cause this. I'm at work but the firstthing I'm going to try is to get a small portable fuel tank and hook directly to the motor and if that works, well it's the boat and if not it's the fuel pump or something else on the motor. If u guys try something, let me know please.


          • #6
            In the same boat

            This engine ran very well for one year, but now it will not continue to run. It starts well after it has set for a day or so, but then is seems to flood itself out or something like that. The rpms never stabilize and after about 3 min. of running it dies. Maybe a carburetor problem. My mechanic tells me a bad carburetor, but i didn't think carburetors go bad. Might just need a rebuild kit. After it starts and begins to die, i tried pressing in the choke. This kills the engine. In my case, this was a gradual fail. I could tell something was going bad. At first, i could run 10k yards or so before it died. I did notice a compressed fuel bulb, but a replacement fixed the problem(not sure if it was related) Next time out i made it roughly 5k yards, died. It would start but not stay running. Now i cant get it off the trailer. Same thing, will start, idle rough, rpm will not stabilize, and die. U guys have any advice?

            Thanks in advance

            Im not sure if we all have the same exact problem, but any advice would go along way at this point. I'm pretty sure my mechanic is also in the dark.


            • #7
              I think the difference is that mine will run as long as I have some throttle on it but if I let off it will die. I can run all day long as long as I don't stop, if I stop and try to take off again, is where I have a problem. From what I've been reading, you should rebuild your carbs and your low and high speed jets. Also if your bulb was compressing, there is a fuel restriction either in your tank or the fuel lines. Good luck and hope this helps.


              • #8
                Took the boat out again today. Ran strong for a good 20 minute run. Shut down for some recreation for an hr. Started up again and as I started to just get up on plane the engine started breaking up. Took the engine cover off, and restarted and boat ran ok. Took another 20 minute run, fished a bit and restarted. The idle raced up when in neutral and under power the motor breaks up and has no [power. 5 mph if that. I'm ready to have the power pack changed. Just don't know what else to do at this point.

                Already recreated the problem with a separate gas tank. Starting to think it is not fuel related and maybe in the engines computer.

                Just hard to understnd how it can run so well and then so bad. Thats why it does not seem like it should be carbs.


                • #9
                  problem solved

                  Not sure if this helps, but I found out that Johnson recalled their mechanical fuel pump. They told my mech. to replace it with an electric fuel pump and that this was the only solution. Mainly because of recall, and obsolete parts. This is after carb cleaning, throttle body replacement, fuel pump diaphram replacement. Soooo. took some time and money, but im now back to smooth sailing. See previous reply for my original problem.

                  Thanks and Good Luck!


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the update. My boat is still at the marina. Glad I still have my old boat, otherwise this summer would have been a total washout.

                    So far we've installed a sparate fuel tank no fix, changed out the power pack no fix. Changed the VRO pump no fix. Not sure what is next.

                    Symptoms are still same. Runs very strong when starting out and while under power. After shut off for 15 minutes after 15 seconds after restarting the engine breaks up and no power. Next morning runs fine.
                    It acts as if the chokle gets stuck on.
                    I'm also thinking it could be the cylinder cut out switch going bad?

                    When it gets fixed I'll post it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vantrow View Post
                      Not sure if this helps, but I found out that Johnson recalled their mechanical fuel pump. They told my mech. to replace it with an electric fuel pump and that this was the only solution. Mainly because of recall, and obsolete parts. This is after carb cleaning, throttle body replacement, fuel pump diaphram replacement. Soooo. took some time and money, but im now back to smooth sailing. See previous reply for my original problem.

                      Thanks and Good Luck!
                      What year motor is yours and what year fuel pumps were recalled?



                      • #12
                        OK Summer is almpost over and the boat is still not fixed. Mechanic has no new ideas.

                        I bought this boat off of what I'd have to say was a very dishonest owner.

                        The following has been changed, or isolated to not be the cause. First ran with alternative fule tank to isolate not bad gas, changed power pack, changed VRO oil pump, changed Stators, Mechanic tells me he has had the carbs all off, as I suggested to look for gasket leaks. He found the old stators to be burnt. However aftetr all of this still no fix.
                        Boat runs great going out, lots of power, no issues. turn off. REstart after about 5 minutes, breaks up surges at idle and no ability to clear out or run hard with throotle added. At best you get some bursts of acceleration, more ofthen just breaks up and sputters. Can hobble back to port at 3 mph.

                        I've seen others with claimed similar problems, but no posted solutions.

                        Please help!
                        So far


                        • #13
                          Well I guess since I started this post I should thank all of you for your input. I have not solved my problem yet but it seems to be somewhaqt better. I have replaced the fuel lines from the tank to the motor and while I was at it installed a fuel filter/water separator. I read so much about E10 fuel that I thought it was good precaution even if it didnt solve the problem. I thought it was a fix when I put in and it ran great and idled great as well but I didnt run it long and found out later I still had the problem. Although it isnt as bad it is still idleing rough at times and wants to stall when I throttle up. So I have read a lot of other peoples input into this seemingly unsolvable issue and have almost come to the conclusion that these motors are just not going to idle smooth. One solution to the problem is that arter these motors warm up and run for a while and are shut down the heat is excessive under the hood and causes the gas in the bowl to boil and become vaporised and when you try to start up you are trying to run on a mixture that is not corect due to this vaporized fuel condition. The fix is said to be just increase your idle speed with the throttle while in neutral for a minute to wash the temps down and return the bowl temp to normal and then throttle up after that and it shoould run fine. I have not tried that yet. Others say that they have adjusted the low speed idle jet and fixed it. I have not tried that yet either. Ov coarse many said to rebuild the carbs and many said that they did and that dint fix it. I also seemed to have the issue of stalling out when I tried to throttle up. I found this and have made the adjustment but have not checked it in the water yet. Here is the link:

                          BBC Boards: Throttle roller timing arm adjustment 60* motors

                          I hope tha at least helps me take off out of the hole better. I think I will get it in the water this weekend and I intend to try to adjust the low idle jets if it acts up as I suspect it will. I'll let you know if it works. any of you have any sucess.

