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New motor needed

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  • New motor needed

    Hello my name is Jack and I just joined this forum. I have two questions: I presently own a J50 belcta 1983 and I believe it just died. Powerhead locked up, cannot turn the flywheel with the plugs out. I do not think it is worth trying to repair due to age, opinions Please.

    Two: SOMEBODY what the heck is a "commercial" Johnson outboard?
    I am talking to a person who has a 1991 Johnson 55 hp commercial outboard for sale, I think it is a J55RWLEIN my boat will handle it but I cannot find any info at all, it is as iff it is a ghost? If someone know what the heck this is, he is asking 1000.00 supposedly completely refurbed Is it worth this much??????

  • #2
    I might be inclined to check the flywheel magnets first, mine locked up tight like that, then while checking flywheel, I noticed metal pieces stuck to the metal around it. Noticed they were magnetic, so pulled flywheel, add found magnets had lodged around stator. I googled the part numbers, and found used parts. Now back up and working fine, and though costly, it was still cheaper than another motor.

    The 91 you're looking at is 14 years old, and if rebuilt, it had issues that caused it to be rebuilt? If not rebuilt by an excellent, qualified mechanic (not many of them around), I would steer clear. That motor might not last an entire season.
    I don't mean to bad mouth any good mechanic, but most wear on a fourteen year old motor would be too costly to repair with new parts, so it probably got used parts.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Thanks, guess I need to figure out how to pull the flywheel and check out the magnets. I am NOT a mechanic, kinda nervous of opening a big *ss can of worms. Thanks on the 91. Those motors I believe are the type used by military on the Zodiacs the Seals use. My guess is the guy buys a bunch of em, and makes runners out of the pile

