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28 SPL Johnson overheating

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  • 28 SPL Johnson overheating

    Shaft overheating in late 80's 28 SPL. Shaft is very hot to the touch, and don't believe it should be. Water pump was replaced, gear oil changed. Water is coming out of pee hole as steady stream. What else can I do to troubleshoot?

  • #2
    What shaft are you talking about? Prop shaft?


    • #3
      The midsection, exhaust housing.


      • #4
        Are the piston cylinders too hot to touch, around the cylinder head? Does the water from tell tale feel exceptionally hot?
        The exhaust chamber goes through the midsection, but there is supposed to be water blending with the exhaust to cool it down, on it's way out. If your midsection is getting too hot, you may have some corrosion blocking some of the exhaust cooling passages. It might help to run your motor in a large tub with ”salt-away”, or other corrosion flushing liquid for a good hour or more (sometimes water in tub may get too hot, and need to cool down several times, to flush for such extended times.).

        Good luck.

