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1997 20hp power issue

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  • 1997 20hp power issue

    Hey guys. I have a 1997 20hp johno. Few days ago while out fishing started her up and while moving from spots the motor wouldnt give full throttle. Had her opened up and could only get 5.5 knts out of her. Had a look in the carby and heaps of fuel getting in.
    Took it home and gave it a dry run and put it in fwd gear and got full throttle and no problems.
    Have had a new carby kit fitted and still same problem.
    Cant figure it out that out of the water she gets full throttle in drive but once in the water she wont get full throttle.
    Can anyone give me an answer to this weird problem. Its doing my head in.
    Tks tangles

  • #2
    Did you put carb kit in before this started happening, or after it started.
    It sounds like a fuel issue. What did carb look like when you took apart?
    How long since last time it was running good?

    Post back when able.
    Last edited by Solarman; 04-27-2015, 09:15 AM.


    • #3
      1997 johno power issue

      It started happening before the carby kit was fitted. One minute it was okay out fishing then we moved to another spot and it happened. I fitted a new kit on advice of narine mechanic as he said theee might be a blockage in jet. It has not fixed the issue.
      In neutral it gets full power. In reverse the same. Its only in drive that it happens. And when I do a dry test out of the water when flushing it doesnt happen. Only when its in the water. Carbys getting heaps fuel.


      • #4
        Pull the plugs, and see what they look like.

        Post back what you find.


        • #5
          1997 johno power issue

          Plugs were replaced cpl months ago.
          They have usual residual inside but nothing major.
          Water stream out back is constant and cool. No spluttering.
          Bit of a doozie headache this one


          • #6
            Ok, you don't understand reading the plugs. Plugs tell a story on that respective cylinder it's in. if plugs wet with gas, dry, color (black sooty, tan clean), etc.

            Do you have a timing light that clips onto the plug leads? If can get one, clip to each plug wire while running, and check for steady flash.

            Do you have a manual for your motor, can you check timing? I can't remember if still using linkage in 97 motors for timer base advancing, ill check parts page. You check manual. OK, yes still has moving timing plate. Need to go to manual and check for timing, and spark adjustment.

            Also, i'm not sure which carb they used, but you may have multiple orifaces that if dirty won't allow fuel to cylinders (low speed, intermediate speed, and high speed, all have to be clean).

            It is bad for motor to run dry, or out of water with no load on prop at high RPMs. Never WOT with no load, in any gear, or neutral.

            Post back, let us know how you're doing.
            Last edited by Solarman; 04-28-2015, 08:29 AM.


            • #7
              1997 johno power issue

              Ok so after a bit of drama. Timing was checked and ok. Checked plugs again has bit of oil residue on thread with bit of fuel smell thru residue. Plug gaps were a bit loose so adjusted to correct gap measurement of 0.03. Put the outboard in drum filled with water and started her up again. Put her in gear and opened her up. Ran perfect in high revs with no problem. Put the tinny in for a test run and when I put it in fwd gear it did the same as before. Maybe it might be time to send her over as a fad on the bottom!!
              I live in a small town and to get the outboard checked by a proper mechanic will cost too much to take dwn to closest mechanic and they charge like a wounded bull hence why I am trying to solve it myself. Fuel lines are clear of blockage! Definitely a little gremlin in there annoying me.


              • #8
                So what is different between running in barrel and in lake? Are you using three same fuel, fuel hose, lowering motor differently? Something changes between the barrel and lake, and it isn't the water?

                If it runs in barrel, it should run in lake, you tell me what's different?

                Good luck, post back if you find anything.


                • #9
                  1997 johno power issue

                  Yeah not sure mate. Everything I do out of the water I do in the water and thats what has got me stumped!!
                  Ive enen taken the leg off and had a look at the impeller and thats fine.
                  The propeller has about 5-6mm of play in it so not sure if that might affect it


                  • #10
                    Is motor tilted differently (higher, lower) when on the boat? Does motor sit lower in water (is water getting inside cover) when on boat? Are there any electrical connections used when on boat, but not used in drum?

                    This is starting to sound like you have an electrical wire touching ground, shorting out one of your coils.

                    Look at all electrical wires on motor, are any wires damaged, corroded, pinched against motor? Look at the wires coming from under the flywheel, are any loose hitting flywheel? Look at wires around coils, are any connectors loose, pinched against motor, or under mounts?

                    Something has to be different?

                    Are you using the same fuel tank and lines?

                    Post back anything that is different.
                    Last edited by Solarman; 05-09-2015, 09:16 AM.

