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Loosing Spark

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  • Loosing Spark

    I have a 1993 150 Faststrike that occaisionally loose all spark. When this happens, the motor will usually start back up in 10 to 15 minutes. I've had it to my local dealer but he cant duplicate the issue. I'm thinking it's a power module issue or coil-pak problem. I would appreciate any suggests or knowledge on this. Thanks

  • #2
    Think I'd check & clean all cable plugs, fuse connections, and battery connections, before throwing out the big bucks? Heck, it might be an ignition switch going bad in the on position? These things are more common than the power pack and coil pack quitting. Any loose connections in those areas are possible.

    Good luck, post back if you find anything.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Solarman View Post
      Think I'd check & clean all cable plugs, fuse connections, and battery connections, before throwing out the big bucks? Heck, it might be an ignition switch going bad in the on position? These things are more common than the power pack and coil pack quitting. Any loose connections in those areas are possible.

      Good luck, post back if you find anything.
      I also had the following happen last week, motor was running a little rough and for no reason the motor took off like it was given a boost of power and ran smoothly the rest of the day. Not sure where to start ?? Can't trust the motor enough to stray far from ramp. Based on what I've read and learned, I hink I can rule out Ignitioh and coil Pacs. Any ideas.


      • #4
        Motors are mechanical, electrical, compression and fuel.

        Had one young person change coil pack after coil pack because he had one intermittent cylinder. The last coil pack he pulled, he found a wire pinched against the housing, almost broken in two. Swears he had never taken coils out till this problem started last season.
        He taped the bare area up, took boat out, and said it has never run better.

        So sometimes simple things get overlooked.

        Your situation could be similar, changing everything that's good doesn't help the problem.
        It's best to systematically check everything electrical. Start at battery, check wires and connectors, and clean then put back where they were.

        I suggest things that are simple to check to start. Kill switch, if going bad can be off and on? Neutral, shift switches are notorious for short life, and can kill portions of a motor, similar to a rev limiter, and can happen in gear or neutral.
        Sensors on some motors can also act like that, and some don't.

        A manual with a good wire diagram/ schematic is needed, can highlight those items checked and hopefully sooner than later, you run across something that acts up.

        Good luck, post back if you find anything.


        • #5
          Pretty sure I've traced my problem back to the neutral switch, if I play with the hand trottle, motor will start. Is the neutral switch in the hand throttle itself or is it in the linkage in the motor ?? Thanks


          • #6
            Generally, your throttle control box has one built in, but most outboard motors also have one built in at the shift linkages on motor. If playing with throttle lever has an affect on motor running, I'd say you're probably right.

            You should be able to look up the parts break down for your controls online, to see where three switch is, likewise for your motor.

            Good luck, post back if find anything.

