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1999 50 hp Flooding problems

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  • 1999 50 hp Flooding problems

    Boat started running basically on one cylinder would get on plane. Was told carbs need to be rebuilt so I did and it started and ran fine for about two hours . Then it started running weak on the top end, from half to full throttle no difference where it was same result. Just not running like it should. After last trip out I left it at a boat repair shop to check it out. He hooked it to the hose and said it was flooding bad. So I bring it home and hook it up and it want even start from the flooding problem being so bad. I have pulled the carbs and adjusted everything I could even put the old needle , seat and bowl back in and same problem. only way it will run is to unhook fuel line and let fuel get low and as soon as you hook hose back up floods again. plugs soaked and fuel coming out exhaust. What else could cause this?

  • #2
    Carbs are not going to flood unless something is major wrong with them. Either assembled wrong or float level wrong, etc. Time to start over again with carbs.

