*A few pictures included below.
Just a few things:
Engine runs great mid to WOT, getting 5000rpm.
Some reason I seem to be using more gas or getting a bit higher gph then before.
I was getting a bit of fluctuations in idle speed.
I did a compression check a while back and results are good.
New spark plugs gapped at .030"
Removed both Throttle lever and shift lever, cleaned them thoroughly and installed new bushings and greased all parts, then reinstalled.
Installed new nylon retainers for the throttle linkage.
Installed new Cam roller that rides inside the Throttle lever.
Checked all of the gas recirculating connections for clogs. Replacing all hoses(hoses with 1/16" I.D.)
Put reccommended amount of Johnson/Evinrude Carbon Guard in gas tank.
Decarbed engine using SeaFoam.
*All adjustments below done with throttle cable detached.
Doing the first few tune-up steps for my engine in order.
1)Throttle Valve Synchronization- I noticed the carb throttle plates were slightly out of phase. Following the manual, I loosened the top cam follower screw and the bottom adjust lever screw making sure cam follower wasn't touching the throttle cam. Then opening both throttle plates and releasing them to snap closed, I put slight downward pressure on the throttle linkage (to remove any backlash). Then tightened the bottom adjusting lever screw and then the top cam follower screw.
Checked that both throttle plates were synchronized (which they were). DONE
2)Cam Follower Pickup-This one was a bit hard to follow in the manual.
One problem I had was the Throttle Cam link would pop in and out if you slightly pushed in on the throttle cam. There was some play on the rod that goes into the throttle cam. I removed the inner cotter pin and installed an additional washer, reinstalled the cotter pin and seem to fix the loose rod popping in and out the throttle cam.
I'm guessing this is done in neutral and using a 'throttle shaft amplifier tool'. Start rotating the throttle cam and just as the end of the tool starts to move, check cam and follower alignment.
I see where the 'pointer' is on the throttle cam, and this needs to align with the center of the follower cam, correct?
Should the Cam follower and throttle cam be touching (no gap)?
When I start to rotate the throttle cam my amplifying tool end moves almost at the same time, notch lines up with center of follower cam, is this correct?
I'm kind of at this point but I noticed my idle speed is a bit too low and the idle adjustment screw is bottomed out/all the way in.
3)Maximum Spark Advance Adjustment- I have a timing light but I can't do this one will have to bring it in the shop, since you have to run engine at 5000rpm and using a test wheel/test prop in a tank.
A few pics:

Just a few things:
Engine runs great mid to WOT, getting 5000rpm.
Some reason I seem to be using more gas or getting a bit higher gph then before.
I was getting a bit of fluctuations in idle speed.
I did a compression check a while back and results are good.
New spark plugs gapped at .030"
Removed both Throttle lever and shift lever, cleaned them thoroughly and installed new bushings and greased all parts, then reinstalled.
Installed new nylon retainers for the throttle linkage.
Installed new Cam roller that rides inside the Throttle lever.
Checked all of the gas recirculating connections for clogs. Replacing all hoses(hoses with 1/16" I.D.)
Put reccommended amount of Johnson/Evinrude Carbon Guard in gas tank.
Decarbed engine using SeaFoam.
*All adjustments below done with throttle cable detached.
Doing the first few tune-up steps for my engine in order.
1)Throttle Valve Synchronization- I noticed the carb throttle plates were slightly out of phase. Following the manual, I loosened the top cam follower screw and the bottom adjust lever screw making sure cam follower wasn't touching the throttle cam. Then opening both throttle plates and releasing them to snap closed, I put slight downward pressure on the throttle linkage (to remove any backlash). Then tightened the bottom adjusting lever screw and then the top cam follower screw.
Checked that both throttle plates were synchronized (which they were). DONE
2)Cam Follower Pickup-This one was a bit hard to follow in the manual.
One problem I had was the Throttle Cam link would pop in and out if you slightly pushed in on the throttle cam. There was some play on the rod that goes into the throttle cam. I removed the inner cotter pin and installed an additional washer, reinstalled the cotter pin and seem to fix the loose rod popping in and out the throttle cam.
I'm guessing this is done in neutral and using a 'throttle shaft amplifier tool'. Start rotating the throttle cam and just as the end of the tool starts to move, check cam and follower alignment.
I see where the 'pointer' is on the throttle cam, and this needs to align with the center of the follower cam, correct?
Should the Cam follower and throttle cam be touching (no gap)?
When I start to rotate the throttle cam my amplifying tool end moves almost at the same time, notch lines up with center of follower cam, is this correct?
I'm kind of at this point but I noticed my idle speed is a bit too low and the idle adjustment screw is bottomed out/all the way in.
3)Maximum Spark Advance Adjustment- I have a timing light but I can't do this one will have to bring it in the shop, since you have to run engine at 5000rpm and using a test wheel/test prop in a tank.
A few pics:
