I am new to this site and this is my first post. I am the new owner of a 1981 Johnson Seahorse 70hp. I have been very happy with the motor and it has thus far performed brilliantly for me. It however has recently quit starting for me. I first thought solenoid and have since replaced it as it is an inexpensive part and I new the old one was very old. Upon testing with a multimeter I have positive power readings on both it and the starter. I have bypassed the solenoid and tested the starter and it jumped quickly and nicely for me. After doing these few things I assume I have traced the problem down to the control box. Correct me if I'm wrong. Now I am stuck. By my research, to disassemble. First, I remove box from boat. I then place box on two blocks (throttle handle side down). Then I loosen the allan head bolt in center of box three full turns. Next I use a pin and hammer, hammering on the allan bolt to separate the handle splines from the hub and the throttle handle will come off. Well this is what isn't happening. The darn thing won't budge. The throttle moves easily as far as throttling forward and reverse. It moves freely and easily. However I can't get to disengage from the box. Any advise out there?
