working on a 1987 Johnson 225hp. mod j225tlcu did compression check and the ranged from 75 -90 psi. I have replaced head gaskets and had heads surfaced. compression after this was 85-90psi. took all carburetors off and cleaned,no dirt in any of the jets and bowls were clean. cleaned grounds on coils and replace bad spark plug wires. pulled flywheel and cleaned grease that was on trigger so it would move easy. i have index flywheel and all cylinders are firing when and i check each cylinder, no double firing. i have done all ohm and output checks. set idle timing and w o t timing. took boat out for test run. boat get up up on a plane around 5500 rpms and ran about 500 yards and dropped to 4000 rpms. hooked timing light to each cylinder ran boat to see if any where breaking down. all ok. checked fuel pressure and it was 4psi at idle. we hook up a 6gal fuel tank and same problem happened again, but did take longer to occur. it dose have a fuel water separator and there is no water in the filter. this year engine does not have the s l o w system. H E L P!!!!!!!!!:
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