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1982 johnson 70hp no spark

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  • 1982 johnson 70hp no spark

    I lauched the boat a few weeks ago and it started fine, i went to park the car and the engine had stalled and no matter what it would not fire. Loaded the boat back on the trailer and returned home. Has always ran great till it just suddenly died.
    I was told to buy a new power pack by a supposedley knowlegable friend, so replaced it and still no luck.
    Doing my research i think i can begin to problem solve this.

    I have read to disconnect a black and yellow plug from the power pack to test for a faulty kill switch.
    Is this the round plug that goes that connects to the stator? Mine looks kinda brown and yellow.
    I have read that i can also jump the engine from another battery if i disconnect the large round red plug on the outboard.
    Do i still leave the battery connected in the boat? Do i place the neg jumper lead on the block somewhere and then the pos on the starter? Will the arching damage the thread, should i place another nut on the tread to protect it?

    I have a new ignition switch already and a new kill switch on the way from that should be here any day just to be prepared and always good for a spare. I have downloaded a manual but i just need to clarify things in my mind.

    The engine will fire for a short burst, maybe a 5 seconds when the fast idle lever is all the way up but then dies, so maybe very weak and intermittent spark.

    Will/could a faulty timer base or stator run fine one minute then then suddenly just quit?

    Not sure if this is related or just coincedence but at the time this happened the PTT would not function, lost all power to it. When i got home i unplugged all the connections etc and checked and refitted and it just started working again and been fine since.
    Got caught in the rain on the previous trip, could water have gotten into the controls and messed up something?

    Thankyou in advance for any assistance.

  • #2
    First check for spark and compression. If you have good, equal compression and good strong spark on all cylinders then the problem is fuel related. It is not commen for the trigger assembly to just stop working. The black and yellow wire would not come from the stator and is a ground.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm sorry i didn't make myself clear. Compression good and even on all cyl, checked for spark using an inline spark spark tester, i don't have an adjustable one, i also used new spark plugs to check for spark as well as known working ones.

      When i read disconnect black and yellow wire from the power pack to test the kill switch then where is it?

      Does it run from the power pack?

      Have also replaced the rectifier.



      • #4
        I do apologize, the wire will come off the main harness. Be sure to ohm test all your ignition components. If you do find that your kill switches are not the problem then you could have a defective powerpack.
        Johnson Outboard Parts


        • #5
          ahhh ok, i think i know the one then. Are you saying that the new power pak could be defective? I bought it through, if it is faulty can it be exchanged?
          Can i do the test to isolate from the boat side of things first by jumping the starter as in my first post. Are you able to describe this procedure?


          • #6
            You can disconnect main harness going to ignition switch and jump starter solenoid, should have spark when cranking engine over if don't problem is on engine.
            Johnson Outboard Parts

