I purchased and rebuilt an old 20ft pontoon boat.
The engine is the original 35hp johnson two cylinder two stroke.
It had been sitting unused for at least 12 years.
I has very little use/low hours.
I have replace the fuel tank, fuel lines and connectors. Checked/cleaned the
fuel pump, installed new sparkplugs, removed and cleaned the carburetor.
The engine started and seemed to run properly on the water hose/ears.
I have used the boat a few times this summer. The first use was for a very limited trail to just check everything out.
It has since developed a stall when above 1/2 throttle. Pumping the bulb has no effect. I will continue to run but won't take full throttle. I have noticed that it will run much better with the choke pulled about half way out.
Seems like a lean condition. The carburetor was really badly clogged with 12 year old fuel (the float bowl had what looked like tar in the main jet area).
I was planning to remove the carburetor again, ordering fuel pump and carburetor rebuild kits. When taking the boat to the ramp after the last trial the overheat alarm sounded just at the ramp.
This was not unexpected. The previous owner had a spare pump impeller with the boat. I don't think it has overheated to the point of damage.
Yesterday I removed the lower unit, replaced the impeller, and checked the pump housing. I found very little wear so only replaced the impeller.
There was no real damage/wear at the waterpump so I'm not sure why it overheated. After installing the lower unit with the new impeller, starting it with the hose/ears I still have no evidence of water reaching the powerhead (no water from the "pee hose") I din't let it run long enough to caused the alarm to sound.
I am not 100% percent sure of two things. Did the water pipe find its way to the correct opening at the bottom of the engine. Is the thermostat opening.
My Questions,
Should I continue repairs on this engine. I like the size and power of this engine. It seems simple enough with one carburetor. The basic engine seems sound (good compression. shifting and gears seem fine, starts easily).
I am concerned that the extended non-use may cause other issues as this boat is used.
Are there any johnson/evinrude outboards that might be a better choice.
Should I go to a modern 4 stroke?
I have been a automotive technician for years but have limited marine knowledge. I don't mind the work but don't want to continue if this engine will continue to fail.
Sorry about the long post!
Any thoughts..
Ed Moore
I purchased and rebuilt an old 20ft pontoon boat.
The engine is the original 35hp johnson two cylinder two stroke.
It had been sitting unused for at least 12 years.
I has very little use/low hours.
I have replace the fuel tank, fuel lines and connectors. Checked/cleaned the
fuel pump, installed new sparkplugs, removed and cleaned the carburetor.
The engine started and seemed to run properly on the water hose/ears.
I have used the boat a few times this summer. The first use was for a very limited trail to just check everything out.
It has since developed a stall when above 1/2 throttle. Pumping the bulb has no effect. I will continue to run but won't take full throttle. I have noticed that it will run much better with the choke pulled about half way out.
Seems like a lean condition. The carburetor was really badly clogged with 12 year old fuel (the float bowl had what looked like tar in the main jet area).
I was planning to remove the carburetor again, ordering fuel pump and carburetor rebuild kits. When taking the boat to the ramp after the last trial the overheat alarm sounded just at the ramp.
This was not unexpected. The previous owner had a spare pump impeller with the boat. I don't think it has overheated to the point of damage.
Yesterday I removed the lower unit, replaced the impeller, and checked the pump housing. I found very little wear so only replaced the impeller.
There was no real damage/wear at the waterpump so I'm not sure why it overheated. After installing the lower unit with the new impeller, starting it with the hose/ears I still have no evidence of water reaching the powerhead (no water from the "pee hose") I din't let it run long enough to caused the alarm to sound.
I am not 100% percent sure of two things. Did the water pipe find its way to the correct opening at the bottom of the engine. Is the thermostat opening.
My Questions,
Should I continue repairs on this engine. I like the size and power of this engine. It seems simple enough with one carburetor. The basic engine seems sound (good compression. shifting and gears seem fine, starts easily).
I am concerned that the extended non-use may cause other issues as this boat is used.
Are there any johnson/evinrude outboards that might be a better choice.
Should I go to a modern 4 stroke?
I have been a automotive technician for years but have limited marine knowledge. I don't mind the work but don't want to continue if this engine will continue to fail.
Sorry about the long post!
Any thoughts..
Ed Moore