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Johnson 175 , spark issue

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  • Johnson 175 , spark issue

    Thanks in advance for the help, just found this site.
    Have a 96 175 johnson, my son saw some smoke under dash, the black ground wire had melted, and had done so all the way back to the engine. Only thing I wrong can find is the battery leads were very loose, it got so hot the terminals melted on top, both pos and neg. spent a weekend tracing the wire, and replaced it all the way back, and taped , repaired anything it melted or burned.

    Now, it will not start. sometimes it will try to hit once, even backfired once., but most of time no. I pulled plugs and grounded them but could see no spark. Replaced the starter switch because it had been acting up and was sticky, but did not fix problem. Replaced plugs , replaced switch.
    Where to from here??
    appears it will fire sometime, but not enough to run.
    it did crank one time, but quit after about 5 minutes.

    Good mechanics here are rare, and expensive.
    What is best guess, did the hot ground ruin the power pack?

  • #2
    It is possible that the short did ruin the powerpack. You can test all of the other ignition components. Also verify that the safety lanyard switch is working properly.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      the switch would allow it to crank without lanard enguaged prior to this incident , so I replaced the switch , first thing.
      which parts do I check and in what order


      • #4
        Does not mater the order in which you check, just check all the ignition components. You will require a service manual.
        Johnson Outboard Parts

