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79 25 johnson problems

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  • 79 25 johnson problems

    Im new to this site but i have read alot of your post and enjoyed learning more about outboards. i have a 25 johnson tiller with ele start. i have cleaned gas tank,carb, put new fuel pump,new water pump ,new starter solnoid,and made a new motr wiring harness ,old one wire fell apart,i put new vacum lines and fuel lines on motor. motor starts cold great, idles great,start giving it throttle when it reaches wide open it dies like you turn the switch off? it will run on a hose all day long but when it is put under a load of the boat it shuts down, when it shuts down it is hard to start for awhile,i have checked coils with a ohm meter and they check ok, i am stumped ,any help would be greatly appretiated thanks

  • #2
    First check for spark when motor gives you problems. Would not hurt to change spark plugs. Complete compression test, when motor is hot. Be sure the carburetor linkage roller is in good condition. Did you replace/repair the fuel pump or just clean it?
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      thanks for advise ,i put a new fuel pump on it, i put water hose on motor today and ran for a good 30 min. took a heat gun and heated coils and power pack ,it never missed a beat, maybe take to lake after work ,ill be armed with my meter and other tools LOL ill keep progress or failure posted.


      • #4
        found i had a faulty gas connection replaced it, took to lake got outside of no wake zone and went to wide open throttle, it ran for about two min and shut down,removed top plug spun motor over no spark,wait less than a min and there was spark motor trying to run on one cyl.put plug back in started motor and ran less than min shut down, no spark this happened four times,so i didnt want to push my luck so i idled in to dock LOL, back to the drawing board!


        • #5
          The only thing you can do is test all the ignition components (with exeption of powerpack) while the engine is acting up.

          Johnson Outboard Parts


          • #6
            i had a friend let me use his power pack, and coils.the motor once it got warm cut off just like before checked for spark and there was none on eather cylinder, so i am leaning toward the trigger under flywheel.any advise is welcome.


            • #7
              No fire on any cylinder may be stator coil(charge coil), check output voltage with a peak reading voltmeter to see if within specs.
              Johnson Outboard Parts


              • #8
                I found te problem

                I pulled flywheel and looked at stator and found one of the contacts had gotten realy hot,replaced stator and took to the lake today and it ran great!!!!!!!!!!thanks everyone for the help!

