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1986 Johnson 40hp model J40ELCDE

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  • 1986 Johnson 40hp model J40ELCDE

    The motor referenced in the title has a cracked oil pump. I'd like to get rid of the oil pump completely (it's a $400 part) and simply used mixed gas. I've looked at the schematics for the oil pump, fuel pump, and intake manifold. It appears I can remove the oil pump and replace it with the filter cap (#4 on the fuel pump diagram) along with the appropriate screen, gasket and screw. The problem is that the oil pump has a fuel manifold assembly (#10 on oil pump diagram) with 3 hoses coming out of it that go to the carb, primer, and something else (can't find the answer). I think I can replace the fuel manifold assembly with part #'s 32 (tee, fuel pump to carb) and 31 (tee, primer to solenoid) from the Intake Manifold and primer system diagram. Is this possible? The bottom line is I would like help ordering the parts necessary to get rid of the oil pump completely. I just don't want to order parts and have the wrong ones or have to order more. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • #2
    The is a premix kit availabe the information is as follows.

    5007422 KIT,PREMIX PMP&LMT $341.52
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Thank you for the information but I'm trying to avoid buying a new oil pump. The oil pump has not worked in years so I'm used to pre-mixing the gas. What I need to know is what parts I need to buy to get the motor back to "stock", eliminating the oil pump. I know it can be done but I want to make sure I get all of the right parts. Can you help?


      • #4
        The best way is to purchase the kit.
        Johnson Outboard Parts


        • #5
          I understand it's the best way. It's also the most expensive way and I don't want to dump almost $400 into a 1986 motor. I think I figured it out myself. All I needed to do was buy about $50 in parts from to eliminate the oil pump and go back to the stock engine without the oil pump. All I needed was part #s 0312675, 0313537, 0326031, 0330061, 0330698, 0338879, and 0433518. All I wanted someone to tell me is if I was missing anything so I'll just have to try it out and see what happens.

