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Did Charger Burn Out Rectifier Just Confused

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  • Did Charger Burn Out Rectifier Just Confused

    I have a 1993 115HP Johnson 90 degree CV4 1632 cc. It is OEM for a 32ft. Party Cruiser I bought used in 2009. It had a bad regulator/rectifier on it when I got it. I am a dummy and didn't check charging system before I put it in the water. Put a set of "ear muffs" on it and fired it up. It ran so I clean it up the boat and put in in the water. Tach wasn't working and I put a volt meter on battery with the motor running and with it off and was getting the same reading. On the strength of that I replaced the R/R which is water cooled and under the flywheel which I had to perform with the boat in the water. Which is a sphincter tightening affair almost as bad as "don't drop the soap". Worked great all that year. Put 441 miles on it that year. Boat has a 4KW generator on it that had intermittent problems so I didn't run it. Last year I didn't put in the water due to health problems. I just put the boat in the water the first time July 29. I added all the fresh gas it would hold with ethanol treatments as well as I use STA-BIL as a routine additive. Slow to get it started, but it started and was running good. It was a VRO that had been bypassed before I got it. The Tach was running and motor was running at a pretty fast idle. The dash mounted volt meter was looking over 14 volts which I figured OK I had just gone through a hard start process. It was 98 degrees that day and I was getting a little dizzy and 62 years old so I started onboard generator(that has been fixed) so I could run the AC. It has a electrical panel onboard that you can plug in things one of which was a dual bank float charger PRO 12. The charger was on and I didn't notice it. I went back to console and I was monitoring the gauges and listening and I saw the voltmeter jump above 15 volts and the tach quit. Volt meter dropped to 12 volts. I got a voltmeter and checked battery and it was 12.7 volts. I know this is rambling but I am trying to figure out did I cook the R/R with the charger or did it have an air bubble in the top of motor? Water was coming out pee hole. Also all of a sudden I hear a buzzer in the console going off. I pulled access panel and unplugged the buzzer as I think it probably was the old VRO buzzer. I figure R/R is cooked and I ordered one. What just happened. Question 1 Did charger knock out R/R. Question 2 Did air bubble in motor possible. Question 3 What took the buzzer 2 years to wake-up? Or is that the reason why many bypass the VRO.

  • #2
    It is possible that the charger spiked the electrical system when the generator started. The alarm could be an overheat alarm. Sometimes with an impeller is bad, it will pump enough to provide a stream, but not enough to keep the engine cool. I would recommend replacing water pump impeller.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      It is a pain to get the boat out so I am going to bite the bullet and rebuild water pump and replace the thermostat at the same time I replace burned out R/R. I had put my hands on the top two cylinders hanging off the transom and I could hold hand there about 3 seconds and if I remember from 2 years ago, you could hold as long as you wanted. That was with "ear muffs". Thanks for your help.

