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Starter pawl

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  • Starter pawl

    How to adjust the starter pawl assembly on my 1995 johnson J15EEO 15 hp outboard? The water pump was replaced and I could not pull the recoil starter cord due to the starter pawl being engaged. The link to push up the pawl is short in neutral. After removing the 6 bolts from the lower section to replace the water pump a screw is loosened to separate it from the upper section. Doe's that screw and clamp assembly set how high the link to the pawl goe's? The mechanic said no but it was fine before the pump was replaced. The link to the pawl did not shrink and there is no other adjustment except for the set screw on the pawl cam which was all the way in according to the manual. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Mark

  • #2
    The starter pawl is non adjustable, the throttle cam must be what you are referring to with the adjustment screw. The Trottle cam will not keep you from starting motor. This controls throttle adjustments.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      The link that sets the starter pawl in neutral was short and did not push up the cam to the neutral position. The tech said the link was bent and he reformed it. I don't see how it got bent as it was working fine before the water pump was replaced.

      Thanks for your response, Mark

      P.S. I should have called it the throttle cam. Sorry for the confusion.
      Last edited by markcvl; 08-01-2012, 08:54 AM. Reason: Wrong part name

