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part No. for fuel line retaining clips on the fuel pump ass.?

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  • part No. for fuel line retaining clips on the fuel pump ass.?

    Any one know the part No. for fuel line retaining clips on the fuel pump ass.?

    I pulled 3 of them off (they are red) during the high press. fuel pump removal on a 2001 ficht evinrude. I found this number on (0350055) but the diagram of parts were difficult to make out.


  • #2
    What is your model number? Are you refering to the red clips that hold the fuel line from coming off the fuel barb? If so that part number is not correct. Usually you have to purchase the whole fuel line to get those retaining clips.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      yep, that's the ones! I believe there are 3 that i removed from the fuel lines that attached to the fuel pump ass on the port side. They are red and they do clip into the ends off the line to keep it attached to male barbs on the pump ass. How they hell can i get these?

      2001 Evinrude 200hp ficht E200FCXSIF


      • #4
        I guess the part number is wrong and can't be ordered individually as mentioned. I called Evinrude in USA and that piece that I need comes with the dam Fuel line as one part. So now I have to spend over $200 for fuel line when all I really needed was a .25 cent plastic C-clip on the end of the fuel line! WAY TO GO EVINRUDE.... with such a racket, you wonder how did they go under back then. Oh and I need 3 clips so, do the math, add it to the fuel pump assembly and then somebody please shoot me !

