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motor won't crank

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  • motor won't crank

    I have a 1987 6 hp evinrude.i've been having it for about 2 months and it always ran very well but sometimes while using it at full speed it would shut off.sometimes it would start again right away but most of the time i had to wait a few minutes before it would start.Last week i was on the river and it shut off at full speed and i havent been able to crank it since.I had always suspected there was a particle floating around in the carb and occasionally stopping the jet so i took the carb apart and i see nothing,its very clean.Then i started checking the electrical.The safety harness switch tests good.I checked both spark plugs and they are firing but the spark appears somewhat weak.I see the fire jumping between the plug and the lobe but its not strong enough to jump to the motor even when holding very close.Maybe thats normal i really don't know how strong it should be.Anybody have any suggestions on what i should check next?thanks

  • #2
    update: I just went and checked the firing again and now neither plug is firing at all.I can't imagine that both coils went bad at the same time so what should i check next?The stator?


    • #3
      Powerpacks are a commen problem with J/E. But you should verify it is not the kill switch first. You can test all the ignition components except the power pack.

      Original outboard product and service manuals for Johnson, Evinrude, Gale, and OMC
      Johnson Outboard Parts


      • #4
        Thanks for the above info that it may be the power pac.Does the power pac sometimes slowly go bad or usually fail suddenly?


        • #5
          Can go either way, have had the only mess up when hot.

          Johnson Outboard Parts

