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difficut to start 50 hp 1995 johnson

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  • difficut to start 50 hp 1995 johnson

    I have a 1995 50 hp johnson and it has vro I am having a difficult time keeping it running. It fires up and I have to keep pushing in the key to keep it running. If I can manage to get it in gear and rev it up it runs great and tops out at about 5200 rpm. After 5 min it will restart fine and runs fine for the remainder of that trip. next time same drill. I have been told that is normal but I don't think so. I have about 130 compression on both cyls and spark is strong and good.I think it is a fuel problem so I cleaned carbs and replaced bulb on fuel line. It does pump up hard after a few mins the bulb is no longer hard but if I pump again it does for a few mins. what am I missing or is this normal.

  • #2
    Most two stroke motors need to warm up, the primer bulb will not stay hard while unit is running, it should stay hard for a while with unit off. Motor takes about 5 min to warm up, helps if you leave at a high idle for that period. If unit will still not run properly after 5 min warm up, then you have a fuel problem, remove and clean carburetors, verify all adjustments.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      thanks for the response I will try the next time I go out. next couple of days its storms and then a cool down. Been over 104 here for about a week


      • #4
        I had the same problem it turned out to be o rings in gas line connectors.


        • #5
          thanks wadeharley I will check those also


          • #6
            ended up taking it to a marine mech. one float level was incorrect and flooding eng. carbs overhauled,installed fuel water seperator. and linkage adjustment. should get it back tomorrow.


            • #7
              still don't have my boat seems the boat sits more than 2 hours the carbs fill with disconnecting VRO and will pre mix oil. maybe I will get it back on Monday


              • #8
                Got the boat back an it runs great. Removed VRO and now pre mix total for all repairs including rebuild carbs,installing fuel water separator remove VRO and adjust linkage and carbs. Included a lake test. $180. I thought that was good price.

