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1999 Johnson J40TPLEEA trim issue

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  • 1999 Johnson J40TPLEEA trim issue


    newbie here.

    The trim switch on my 1999 J40TPLEEA stuck. Meaning the momentary switch "UP" button does not "click", constant "on". So the trim motor would not stop until I quickly disconnected power cables from the battery. Upon reconnecting the cables I trimmed the motor down. I got a new used switch from the marine dealer who verified it's in working condition, but I get nothing when trying "up" or "down", I replaced both relays - no change. I disconnected the connector that goes right down to the tilt motor and connected the blue and green wires to the battery, I can get the trim to go up and down by reversing these two leads so the trim motor is good. I checked a fuse by the back of the motor - 20amp - looks good, I even swapped that with a new one, no change. I don't see anything else I can replace or test. Perhaps I missed something, I did review the various parts for this motor (tilt & ignition), but I don't see anything else in the circuit. I'm guessing that trim switch getting stuck on the up button burned up something, but what that I didn't already replace?

    Any additional tips would be greatly appreciated, I'm considering bypassing this system and just run a fused lead to a floor or mounted switch if I can't get the default setup working - thanks in advance - Bob.

  • #2
    Test the trim switch with ohm meter with wires disconnected and see if switch does work. Check for 12 volts going to red wire on trim switch.
    Johnson Outboard Parts

