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1994 Venom 200 HP ignition

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  • 1994 Venom 200 HP ignition

    I have a 94 200HP Venom. Lately, I have to tilt the engine up when it is cold in order to start it. Once it starts, it will start normally for the rest of the day. I parked it about 3 weeks ago. When we got to the lake this past weekend, it would not start no matter what I did. Here is what I have tried so far. Took off the carb cover and shot in a very small squirt of starting fluid, nothing. Checked for spark, only the top right cylinder (as viewed from behind the engine) had spark. Checked the safety lanyard switch, it was functioning properly. Checked the fuse, it was good. Checked the small wires coming from the CDI to the coils, no voltage with the key on engine not cranking, 1.6 volts while cranking the engine. Is the CDI bad? I always thought that a CDI either worked, or it didn't. Is it possible that some cylinders fire and others don't? I hate to buy a $200.00 CDI if this is not the problem, but I hate even more to pay dealer labor cost if I don't have to. Is there a test to determine the problem?
    Thanks for any help from the newbie!

  • #2
    Would need to test peak output voltage of charge coil, trigger coils and CDI with a peak reading voltmeter to see which one is out of specs.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Make sure you have clean battery connections, grounds ,and your starter is cranking over 300 rpm's when cranking . I had bad cables and a dragging starter cause that problem once.


      • #4
        Thanks for the info! Battery connections are good, and motor turns over like it was new. I don't have the equipment to check the other items, but I just talked to the local Johnson dealer and they tell me it a problem that is diagnosable as described. I think I will save myself a ton of headaches by just letting them fix it. Thanks again!

