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water flow in 25 hp johnson

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  • water flow in 25 hp johnson

    ok so i just bought a 2004 johnson 25 hp 2 stroke long shaft and there is no water coming out of the tell tale. i took the lower unit off and verified that the impeller was good and it is. all the seals in the water pump are good. i took an air hose and blew air through the tell tale to verify that is was open and it is. the water tube is clear also. i dont know how much time this motor spent in salt water either. but when i had the lower unit off it looked like there was some corrosion in the lower unit where the water would be. does the exhaust go over the water pump housing before it exits the engine? there is a tube that goes around the drive shaft into the top on the water pump housing that had a seal missing would that cause the problem? is there a thermostat to check on these motors? if there is corrosion in the motor causing the blockage is there any kind of solution i can put the motor into to remove it. the motor also feels like its getting hot when i run it for about 3-5 minutes. the tell tale is bubbling and then once it gets hot it blows out steam. what do i do???

  • #2
    update to my problem. i tore into the head and exhaust cover all clear, thermostat had some sand and grit in it, cleaned it out. checked the water pump again no problems there. the engine is a thru hub exhaust and i noticed the water is poring out of the hub when it is running, its like the water isnt even making it to the head. the two exhaust holes on the back of the mid section have water coming out of them. im stumped. maybe this is normal, but i dont think it is because the tell tale should have water coming out of it if there is water in the engine i would think. please help!


    • #3
      Did you make sure your water tube seals are good and the water tube is sealing?
      Johnson Outboard Parts


      • #4
        So I took the lower unit off again and put the water tube into the midsection first then put it in the lower unit. Good to go

