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Sparkplug Inspection

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  • Sparkplug Inspection

    My 1999 Johnson 150 has been running rough below 2000 RPM for a while. Last trip out encoraged me to start checking things out. Pulled the plugs and found 5 plugs look like it is running a little rich but one plug has me stumped.The plug looks like it has never fired or been exposed to fuel or oil. Looks like I just in stalled it. I did not see any evidence of water on the plug or in the cylinder. I pulled the plugs about an hour after a run. Would love to have some input on what can cause this to happen. Thanks, Mike

  • #2
    Start by checking spark on that cylinder, then run a compression test. You may need to repair the carburetors.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Sparkplug Inspection

      Thank You for your input. My tech will be looking at it this Monday. He said some thing about an O-ring at the head to block may be breached letting a very small amount of water in that cylinder. I am sure he will start as you sugested. Is what he said sound like it could cause the plug to be so new, and clean looking ? Did you ever see that in your experience ? Thanks, Mike

