Hi I have a 1983 Johnson sea horse 25 hp motor. I bought a carb rebuild kit for it and I just want to know if there is anything I need to know about it before I tear the carb apart. I am a mechanic but not on boats. I really have no idea about this motor. Is it a good motor? And how do you check the gear oil in it? I use 89 octane gas and marine 2 cycle oil 50:1 ratio. Is this right? Any info will be very helpful. The model is a j25elctd.
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1983 Johnson 25 sea horse
Just be sure to varify all the air and fuel passages are clear from debri. They are good motors. There is not easy way to check the fluid. Best is to change it, that will ensure you have plenty of fluid and no water.
You have to remove the drain and vent screws. The oil will pour out, fill from the drain screw till it overflows from the vent screw.
use 80w90 gearl lube (marine) and as far as the octane you use, i would recommend using the highest octane you can get from the pump and also use stabile (the blue one). the new gas that has all that methenol is hell on the carbs. so the way i see it is use the better fuel and it shouldnt give you to much hell throughout the year. as i am sure you have read before always empty your fuel every year you put your motor to bed for the season.