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j150vlsss - Ocean pro - cracked block power loss?

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  • j150vlsss - Ocean pro - cracked block power loss?

    2000 Johnson 150 Ocean Pro or runner not sure. Have done carbs, power pack and eye, new vro, countless hours of head scratching.

    Here is what is does. Runs fine at idle or under idle load in water for about 10 minutes. Idles at 1000 no load and 800 under load. Suddenly drops to about 600 and then coughs and dies. Restart and same, idles to 1000 and then drops to 600 and dies.

    Had mechanic look today and he said there is a 2" crack in block vertically along throttle bar that opens butterflies. Said there is fuel and oil coming out and bubbling. He said that is dropping those two cylinders and causing the stall.

    Is this possible? Boat is in Florida so not a freeze issue and motor has 95 compression on all 6 cylinders.

    I was thinking it was something with the neutral gear switch not working properly was messing with it?

    thoughts anyone would be appreciated.


  • #2
    The cough and dies does sound like a lean running condition and an air leak anywhere on intake will cause that.
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Just started it and ran for 20 minutes at idle load and idle. Was fine. There is about an inch where there is a little fuel bubbling out of the 4 cylinder which cant be good. Have checked carbs and nothing sucking air. Wasnt even doing that tonight so not sure. If the lean thing starts again I am going to take carbs off again and also the butterflies and make sure that gasket behind them didnt get loose or dislodged while jacking with it on the lift.

      What will happen if I run it with that crack in the block?


      • #4
        Could cause major problems if there is an air leak.
        Johnson Outboard Parts

