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Johnson 200 gt

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  • Johnson 200 gt

    Hey need little advice here.its a 93 johnson gt and it ran fine most of time prior ...but sometimes it would act like it loss power and was running real weak but sometimes it would take fuel and take back off.i can idel ok but soon as you give it full throttle it wants to go dead and spit and spurter.hard to crank most of the time.and last night it would act like it was missing and i could putt around aslong as i didnt give it no fuel so we changed the plugs and tried it again with same ran fine 1 time last night around 12:30 for about 400 yrds and starting acting the same i dont know where to start really ..some say stator and some say power pack.going ask here before taking to mechinic. i have changed all gas lines and filters prior to this because though it wasnt getting info fuel.also found a gas line going into fuel pump that was leaking a little fixed it same prob.thanks in advance for any help ..Brian

  • #2
    If you have a strong spark, then you should leak more to fuel. Have you removed the carburetors and thoroughly cleaned?
    Johnson Outboard Parts


    • #3
      no not yet took the drain screw out of bottom of them if thats what its called and looked at what gas came out of them and all looked good with no trash in it but will have a look at that later today ....also whould a fuel pump cause this are they a way to check it i now mix my on oil as i go as someone said it would be better than the system doing it
      Last edited by Brian D; 04-30-2012, 04:08 PM.


      • #4
        Fuel pump can cause fuel starvation, you can disconnect the output fuel hose and verify there is sufficient fuel flowing.
        Johnson Outboard Parts


        • #5
          ok will try that also want to add it hasnt always been like that sometimes it would take off like nothing is a matter and then lets say couple mins in run would start acting crazy will try these things and get back with you thanks for all help

