Hello, first time here so please excuse my idiocy
Engine: 2000 Johnson 150
A few months ago I ran aground and popped my engine up. Ever since, whenever I go into reverse my engine creeps/kicks up.
I have been told it is the TNT main piston's breakaway or check value that is broken. BUT I can't find that part anywhere.
Anyone have any idea what is broken and what part I would need that would keep the engine down while reversing?

Engine: 2000 Johnson 150
A few months ago I ran aground and popped my engine up. Ever since, whenever I go into reverse my engine creeps/kicks up.
I have been told it is the TNT main piston's breakaway or check value that is broken. BUT I can't find that part anywhere.
Anyone have any idea what is broken and what part I would need that would keep the engine down while reversing?