I have a 1983 Johnson 15hp J15RCTA with starting problem. I am in the process of rebuilding the carb, the reason why is with the engine running when I go to accelerate the boat will not plain. The engine will only start when the mixture knob turn to rich. The boat will only pick up and go when I turn the mixture knob between lean and rich. Sometimes with the knob in the middle and throttle is turned to it's max, the boat is moving but not plaining then all of a sudden it goes. Once running good most of the time it's perfect. Until I shut it off and start it again. Anyone has any advice on the proper why to adjust the mixture knob after I rebuild the carb. Thanks
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1983 Johnson 15hp carb problem
Unfortunately I do not have the service manual for this model. I do recommend purchasing a Manual. The following link should assist you.
Original outboard product and service manuals for Johnson, Evinrude, Gale, and OMC